WONG Sze Hang, Celia
她於英國伯明翰藝術設計學院 (BIAD) 視覺傳意系碩士獲榮譽學銜及香港理工大學設計系 (榮譽)學士(主修攝影設計)。在港英兩地曾參與數次裝置藝術和攝影聯展及個展。她於英國 創作的畢業藝術裝置作品被獲邀請參與伯明罕電影及電視藝術節作展覽。在港英兩地曾參 與數次裝置藝術和攝影聯展及個展。她的藝術作品 「悠然自在」(2007),概念靈感源自 《莊子》的《逍遙遊》被香港特區政府選購並於2009年2月20第十次粵港澳文化合作會議 中贈送與澳門特別行政區政府文化局何麗鑽局長 。
她是《遊藝樂圓》(merry-art-round) 的創辦人,於06年與藝術家曾劍華正式註冊非牟利的 團體,以創意教育工作者講學於大學、教授藝術工作坊於中學、小學及其他團體。
She has been awarded Master of Arts in Visual Communication while further studying in England, The Birmingham Institute of Art & Design (BIAD, UCE) at 2002 September. Her graduation installation artwork was invited to exhibit in the Birmingham Film and TV Festival Fringe-Breathe on 21 to 23 November, 2002. In both UK and HK, she has also taken part in numerous joint and solo exhibitions, including installation art with ‘art therapy’ concept and photography.
In 2009 (February 20), Celia’s painting artwork “Free mine1-Decorated Fire Goby” was selected as souvenir on behalf of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) to Ms Heidi Ho, President of Macao Cultural Affairs Bureau in Hong Kong at the tenth Greater Pearl River Delta Cultural Cooperation Meeting.
Since 2006, Celia and artist kim. peacock registered merry-art-round, an non-profit art organization. It has been focused on art education for creative program in social issues; provide talks in university, art workshops in secondary and primary school.