Au Ka You ,Gavin
1982年生於中國香港。2006年獲皇家墨爾本理工大學藝術系學士學位。同年入選夏利豪基金會藝術比賽及美國Serbin國際攝影比賽,2007年獲香港專業攝影師公會亞洲攝影年獎金獎;其作品曾登上中國著名攝影雜誌 -《中國攝影》的封面。2010年被香港版畫工作室選為住留藝術家 及 獲美國ipa國際攝影比賽榮譽獎。近年積極參與多個本地及海外展覽,作品亦為香港文化藝術館及私人收藏。
Hong Kong-based artist. He received his Bachelor of Fine Arts from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University in 2006. In 2007, he received the gold winner in Asia Photo Awards 07 of Hong Kong Institute of Professional Photographers Ltd. His works have been chosen as the cover of China photographer magazine “Chinese Photography”, entered Philippe Charriol Foundation Art Competition 2006, Serbin International Photography Contest 2006 respectively. In 2010, he was award an Artist – In – Residency from Hong Kong Open Printshop and received the honorable mention in ipa international photography awards. His works were collected by The Hong Kong Heritage Museum and different private collectors. In recent years, his works have been presented in various local and international exhibitions and events.