CHEUNG Choi Sang , Samson
年少時夢想成為農夫、巴士司機、足球員及地理學家,大學卻主修工商管理。現在視藝術創作過程為終身學習的平台, 並慶幸每天能夠望見海。
2012年獲得香港專業進修學院攝影深造文憑後開始認真創作,2013年打開耳朵,探索聲音這媒介源於一隻咖啡杯上的咖啡跡。2014年,為聲音掏腰包 「藝術家支援計劃」2014-15 年度獲選年青藝術家。2015年分別到芝加哥「Experimental Sound Studio」和台北「水谷藝術」作駐場藝術家後開始反思藝術完成品的可持續性,以及嘗試以表演、空間介入等方式將自我與參與者刻畫於各種場景之中。2016年於香港「據點。句點」舉行首個個展《從觀看說起...》及近期參與日本《Art Camp Tango 2017》的展覽及表演。
He dreamt of being a farmer, bus driver, football player and geographer but end up graduated with a Business Administration Degree. He is now viewing the process of making art as a lifelong learning platform and thankfully enjoys look at the sea everyday.
He gained a Postgraduate Diploma in Photography from HKU SPACE at 2012, and started open up his ear and exploration of sound media from 2013 inspired by coffee marks from a coffee cup, and had been selected as the artist of soundpocket's Artists' Supported Program 2014-15". He has begun to retrospect the sustainability of a finished artwork materials, as well as explore his ideas by performance, spatial intervention to place himself and participants into certain situation after his artist in residency in Experimental Sound Studio in Chicago and Waley Art in Taipei at 2015. He had his first solo exhibition “Start from seeing” at Floating Projects, Hong Kong at 2016 and participate in exhibition and performance at “Art Camp Tango 2017” in Japan.